Failing Up
Life is improvisation! Observations from a regular guy who always turned left when told to go right and has spent his life with improvisation, his safe place. Exploring the relationships between crisis and creativity. Life is improv. We are all failing up!
Failing Up
Information Pollution
Timothy Mahar
Season 4
Episode 205
Just like with the environment, when unregulated garbage, toxins and exhausts are dumped into our oceans, omitted into the air, and just tossed anywhere, the effects to the environment, and those that occupy this planet have unhealthy and life threating ramifications. The same holds true for the mass amounts of information we are exposed to daily/hourly from a plethora ( I really wanted to use that word) of sources. Fact and fiction blurred and sometimes just one. A constant barrage of information designed to motivate, stimulate, and persuade, in many cases for the gain of profit. This pollution like any other has long-term ramifications.