Failing Up
Life is improvisation! Observations from a regular guy who always turned left when told to go right and has spent his life with improvisation, his safe place. Exploring the relationships between crisis and creativity. Life is improv. We are all failing up!
Failing Up
Crack Communication
Timothy Mahar
Season 4
Episode 204
Our great addiction to the phone, (which is not really a phone) is stronger than crack and I would argue would be just as difficult to kick. Our phone, (which is really not a phone), this device is our photo gallery, weather system, medical tracker, financial advisor, trip guide, entertainment guide, match maker, calorie and step counter and much more. People bury their faces in it while walking, shopping and even talking, what can they be looking at, who are they texting? I know ask Siri, who I believe is a best friend to many . Someday, someone will marry Siri, and truly be married to their phone. Is that delusional, well that's what crack does.